
My name is Mario Louka and I am a media student at the Latymer School. My candidate number is 9099 and I am working with Eddie Rowe (9147) and Ignacio Flores (9049) collectively in group 2.

In order to view my work please click on the 3 labels named 'A2 Research + Planning', 'A2 Construction' and 'A2 Evaluation'.ick above to enter the website

Above is our album cover.

My Music Video

Click below for our Music Video

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Tuesday, 27 January 2015

R+P Post 1: How we intend to work as a group

To effectively work as a team, my group (Angela, Thakshana and myself) decided we would have 2 separate 1 hour group meetings every week, one on a Monday and one on a Friday. We selected these days as they worked best for us but also to allow us to plan for the week ahead and review the past week.

As a group we are committed to each other but we realised this could only be achieved if we were in constant communication with each other. This led to us exchanging phone numbers and setting up a Whatsapp group, allowing us to message one another from anywhere and quickly exchanging information or details. We feel, this will contribute to the future success of the group as organisation is key.