
My name is Mario Louka and I am a media student at the Latymer School. My candidate number is 9099 and I am working with Eddie Rowe (9147) and Ignacio Flores (9049) collectively in group 2.

In order to view my work please click on the 3 labels named 'A2 Research + Planning', 'A2 Construction' and 'A2 Evaluation'.ick above to enter the website

Above is our album cover.

My Music Video

Click below for our Music Video

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Saturday, 12 September 2015

R+P Post 2: What does music mean to you?

Music has become particularly significant me from my teenage years, when I was younger, I only listened to songs on the radio but nowadays I listen to music whenever I'm at home, travelling somewhere or doing pretty much anything.

This song is very typical of my primary school years. The song topped the charts and I can remember singing it in school with all of my friends as well as at home with my brother. The song never failed to put a smile on my face and just helps to remind me of my childhood.

'On top of the world' is a big reminder of a time in my life when I would always be on my Xbox 360 playing 'FIFA' as this song was on the soundtrack of FIFA 13 and whenever it came on, I'd always sing along to it. Not only this but it was also the first Imagine Dragons song that I heard and after this, I extended my knowledge of the band. I still listen to the song today and every time it comes on, it reminds me of how I used to be which tends to put me in a good mood.

This song is on here as not only do I really like the song but it also serves as the biggest reminder to my summer in Cyprus. It's a real summer song and in Cyprus it was really overplayed meaning I always associate the song with my holiday. In addition to this, I also saw Major Lazer live in Cyprus so it just serves as another huge memory.

Thursday, 10 September 2015

R+P Post 1: My A2 Group

I will be working in a group with Eddie and Iggy, I feel this is a strong group and we should work well with creativity and technical knowledge at a high level within the group.

Iggy on the left, myself in the middle and Eddie on the right
I feel we will work well together as we all get on pretty well but also, Eddie and I worked together for the prelim and found that our end product was to a high standard and also completed very efficiently.

As a group, we have decided to meet twice a week but we will meet more times if needed as we are all ready to put the work in.

Our main commitments to each other will be:

  • Always attend and be on time to production meetings
  • Put in the same amount of work and effort
  • Always listen to each others ideas