
My name is Mario Louka and I am a media student at the Latymer School. My candidate number is 9099 and I am working with Eddie Rowe (9147) and Ignacio Flores (9049) collectively in group 2.

In order to view my work please click on the 3 labels named 'A2 Research + Planning', 'A2 Construction' and 'A2 Evaluation'.ick above to enter the website

Above is our album cover.

My Music Video

Click below for our Music Video

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Thursday, 19 March 2015

Construction Post 4: Reflections on Edit Week 1

We used a an editing schedule in order to make sure we made progress on the editing of our opening sequence. We had to edit intensively as we had limited time.
Our edit schedule (12b media = lesson time)
In general, we all edited in pretty much every free period we had. Due to us not all having the same free periods, this is why we weren't all together at the same time. However, it wasn't always necessary to edit together as we all knew what we were doing and could just get on with the editing by ourselves.

What we've achieved so far

  • Cut together our basic sequence with correct matches on action
  • Added our music track in, called 'The life of Riley'
  • Put in the majority of our basic titles
  • Added in the sound effets of the alarm clock and the text message
What went well
We feel that the first week has been a very successful and productive one. We're happy with how the sequence is looking and with a bit of touching up and the implementation of the shots from the back-up shoot, feel we could have a really successful opening. 

What we can improve on
  • Add in the new shots after the back-up shoot 
  • Add some transitions to the titles to make them more interesting
  • Re-write the voice-over as it doesn't fit with our opening any more as it has changed a lot from the early stages

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