
My name is Mario Louka and I am a media student at the Latymer School. My candidate number is 9099 and I am working with Eddie Rowe (9147) and Ignacio Flores (9049) collectively in group 2.

In order to view my work please click on the 3 labels named 'A2 Research + Planning', 'A2 Construction' and 'A2 Evaluation'.ick above to enter the website

Above is our album cover.

My Music Video

Click below for our Music Video

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Monday, 2 March 2015

R+P Post 16: Casting

For our actors, we set a rigid criteria in order to attempt to get the best actor and actress we could.

Our criteria for 'Guy':

  • Had to pull of being socially awkward in a comedic way
  • Must be available during shoot times
  • Must be good at following instructions of directors
Our criteria for 'Bella':
  • Quite attractive and stylish
  • Must be available during shoot times
Being in a school gave a large pool of potential actors; we managed to narrow this down to 2 options for each character.

Our potential actors for 'Guy':

Our potential actresses for 'Bella':

After weighing up the pros and cons of each option, we chose to cast myself as 'Guy' and Aybala as 'Bella'. This is due to the fact that we felt I better fitted the criteria and could portray our attempted character better. In addition to this, being in the group was a benefit as this meant I knew the character better and was automatically available for all shoots. We cast Aybala as 'Bella' as we felt she was a better fit for playing 'Bella'. Although Angela is in our group, we felt the characterisation was of greater importance so went with Aybala.

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